How to Take Care of Fashion Jewelry

How to Take Care of Fashion Jewelry

With the cost of today's fashion


, most women want to get the most bang for their buck. That includes making certain that the jewelry item lasts as long as possible. The way to ensure that is to take proper care of each fashion jewelry item. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Information on the method of care and cleaning for each type of fashion jewelry that you own

Resource materials for determining how to clean various those types of fashion jewelry

Recommended cleaning products for the various types of fashion jewelry that you own

A soft tooth or jewelry brush

A soft cleaning cloth

A soft polishing cloth made especially for gold;

A soft polishing cloth made especially for silver;

A gentle jewelry cleaner recommended for gold products;

A gentle jewelry cleaner recommended for silver products; and

A gentle jewelry cleaner recommended for platinum products.

How to Take Care of Fashion Jewelry


Divide the jewelry that requires cleaning according to type such as gold plated or vermeil, silver clad, platinum clad, imitation pearls, gemstones, water-soluable stones and the like.


Gather together all of the information you can find about cleaning and caring for each individual type of fashion jewelry that you own. If you do not have cleaning instructions for one or more types of jewelry, check the resources that are available online or through books.


Based on the information you have for cleaning your fashion jewelry, gather all of the products together needed to perform the cleaning procedures. If you do not have something needed on hand, obtain it before moving forward to the next step.


Starting with one type of jewelry, follow the cleaning instructions you have researched. If the procedure followed works for the items in question, then move on to another type of jewelry. If the cleaning procedures do not work for one or more items, put them aside for further research before moving forward.


Continue cleaning your jewelry, by type, until all of the pieces you can clean are finished.


Store each cleaned piece of jewelry according to the care procedures provided in your collected information.


Inspect each jewelry piece that did not clean properly to make certain that it was divided into the correct jewelry type.


Inspect silver clad items for any type of hallmark. Certain types of clad or overlaid materials will be so marked. If a hallmark is present, try cleaning the piece again following another acceptable procedure outlined in your resource materials for that type of metal. If it still doesn't clean properly, consider taking the piece to a professional jeweler for cleaning.


Inspect gold clad and vermeil items for any type of hallmark. Certain types of clad or overlaid materials will be so marked. If the hallmark is present, trying cleaning the piece again following another acceptable procedure outlined in your resource materials for that type of metal. If it still doesn't clean properly, consider taking the piece to a professional jeweler for cleaning.


Inspect platinum clad items for any type of hallmark. Certain types of clad items will be so marked. If the hallmark is present, trying cleaning the piece again following another acceptable procedure outlined in your resource materials for that type of metal. If it still doesn't clean properly, consider taking the piece to a professional jeweler for cleaning.


Inspect gemstone jewelry with an eye toward determining its authenticity. Rarely are authentic gemstones included in fashion jewelry; however, it does happen from time to time. If you cannot determine for certain whether or not your gem is authentic, try following the cleaning instructions provided in your resource materials for an imitation stones of the same type. If that does not work, consider taking the jewelry item to a professional for cleaning.


Inspect water soluble stones like opal, amber, and turquoise for its authenticity. Rarely are these types of stones included in fashion jewelry; however, it does happen in rare instances. If it is authentic, you made need to apply oils, glycerines, or other materials to the stone in order to revitalize its luster. Refer to your resource materials for specific care instructions for each individual stone. If you cannot determine for certain whether or not the stone is authentic, try following the cleaning instructions provided in your resource materials for an imitation stones of the same type. If that does not work, consider taking the jewelry item to a professional for cleaning.


Inspect pearls to ascertain if they are authentic, following guidelines provided within your resource materials. Rarely are real pearls set into fashion jewelry but it does happen once in awhile. If you determine that the pearls are authentic, try following an alternative cleaning process outlined in your resource materials. If that still doesn't work, you can trying cleaning them according to instructions provided in your resource materials for imitation stones. If that does not work either, consider taking your pearls to a jeweler for professional cleaning.


Whenever in doubt, follow the cleaning directions for imitation gems, water soluble stones, and pearls. If your jewelry items still do not clean properly, then you may have to take them to a jeweler for professional cleaning. The other option is to resign yourself to the fact that the item cannot be restored to its original condition. Decide whether to continue wearing it or eliminate it from your collection.


Store each remaining piece of fashion jewelry according to its proper care instructions.

Tips & Warnings

Whenever possible, follow the care instructions outlined for each individual type of fashion jewelry.

If you are uncertain how to handle, clean, or care for your jewelry do some research before its condition deteriorates beyond repair.

Even imitation gemstones, water soluble stones, and pearls are sometimes cleaned best with nothing more than a soft (sometimes damp) cloth or a very soft brush and water.

Use the gentlest cleaners possible on all of your fashion jewelry.

Consider investing in jewelry boxes that have a protection liner to preserve the condition of your silver clad, gold clad or vermeil, and/or platinum clad jewelry.

Avoid using harsh jewelry cleaners or other cleaning materials on all types of fashion jewelry.

Clean your fashion jewelry only when it is necessary or as outlined in its care instructions since over cleaning can destroy certain types of metals, stones or enamels.

Avoid ultra-sonic cleaners because they are much too harsh for fashion jewelry.